Let me introduce myself: I am Gislaine Rossi, mother, wife, life lover. I am curious to learn and share knowledge. I love helping and serving, and today I am strictly focused in my purpose of inspiring and developing people in the corporate world and I use to say why not in life. This is what I am in my essence and it does not change, wherever I am.
I am also a professional with 30 years of experience in the Foreign Trade area and, recently, I reinvented myself! I became a Coach and also a Behavioral Analyst. Everything to contribute to my purpose.
Most of my work was focused in the Foreign Trade area, which I have a great passion for, but I also learned to like and be very interested in the people’s development and everything that involves human growth, especially after leading people in my career.
But it was in 2014 with the birth of my daughter that my life gained fulfillment and, in fact, I discovered that none of the courses taken or experience acquired were enough to take care of that life in my arms, but LOVE only.
I believe that each passage of our life, each experience acquired and added to our background is what shapes us and makes us exactly what we are TODAY! Tomorrow is still under construction. Do you agree?
My goal is to be useful always. Being able to help wherever help is needed. Contributing to the progress of people and organizations makes me feel excited.
Nice to meet you!
How can I help you
As I said before, as a Foreign Trade area lover and people’s development specialist, I have combined both interests and created some Programs to help Professionals and Leaders that act in this area to develop themselves.
I can offer and help companies to develop their talents, leadership in a individual way or in a team group training program. Also, I can help individuals who are interested in their own development thru a Coaching or Mentoring Processes.
Programs for Foreign Trade Leaders and Professionals Development
Lecture on several topics related to the development of behavioral skills
Life & Professional also Executive & Business Coaching Processes
Specialized Mentoring for the developepment of Foreign Trade Professionals
Behavioral Profile Analysis